CNC machining and 3D printing are both manufacturing processes that have their own advantages and disadvantages. Some benefits of CNC machining over 3D printing include:

Greater precision: CNC machining can produce parts with tighter tolerances and better surface finishes than 3D printing.

Greater material versatility: CNC machining can be used with a wide range of materials, including metals, plastics, and composites, while 3D printing is typically limited to plastics and metals.

Greater durability: CNC machined parts are generally stronger and more durable than 3D printed parts, making them suitable for use in demanding applications.

Faster production: CNC machining can produce parts faster than 3D printing, especially for high volumes.

Cost effective: CNC machining can be cost-effective for large-scale production runs.

However, 3D printing has its own advantages like ability to make complex geometries and ability to make small batch production at low cost.

Closed Source 3D Printers:


  1. Better Quality Control: Closed source 3D printers typically have a smaller range of compatible filaments, which means that the manufacturer has better control over the quality of the materials used. This can result in higher quality prints with fewer defects.
  2. Wider Availability of Support: Closed source 3D printers are often produced by larger companies with more resources, which means that there is usually more support available in the form of documentation, tutorials, and customer service.
  3. Better Security: Closed source 3D printers typically use proprietary software, which means that the source code is not publicly available. This can provide an extra layer of security for users who are concerned about the potential for their designs to be stolen or hacked.


  1. Limited Customizability: Closed source 3D printers are often designed to work only with specific types of hardware and software, which means that users have limited options for customization and upgrading.
  2. Higher Cost: Closed source 3D printers are often more expensive than their open source counterparts because of the additional resources required for development and support.
  3. Less Freedom: Closed source 3D printers may be subject to more restrictions and limitations on how they can be used, modified, and shared. This can be frustrating for users who value freedom and openness.

Open Source 3D Printers:


  1. Greater Flexibility: Open source 3D printers are often designed with modularity and upgradability in mind, which means that users have more options for customization and can adapt the printer to their specific needs.
  2. Lower Cost: Open source 3D printers are often more affordable than their closed source counterparts because there is no need to pay for licensing fees or proprietary software.
  3. More Freedom: Open source 3D printers allow users to modify, share, and improve upon the design and functionality of the printer without restrictions. This can foster a sense of community and collaboration among users.


  1. Lower Quality Control: Open source 3D printers may be more prone to compatibility issues with different types of filaments and may require more experimentation to achieve the desired print quality.
  2. Limited Support: Open source 3D printers may not have as much documentation, tutorials, or customer service available as their closed source counterparts, which can make troubleshooting more difficult.
  3. Potential Security Risks: Open source 3D printers may be more vulnerable to security risks and intellectual property theft because the source code is publicly available. This can be a concern for users who are working on proprietary designs or who are concerned about the security of their personal information.

A consumer 3D printer is typically designed for home or personal use. These printers are often compact, user-friendly, and have a lower price point compared to professional-grade models. They are designed to meet the needs of hobbyists, enthusiasts, and individuals who want to explore 3D printing technology on a smaller scale. Consumer 3D printers are generally used for printing smaller objects or prototypes and may have limitations in terms of printing speed, precision, and material compatibility.

On the other hand, a prosumer 3D printer is targeted at a more professional or semi-professional audience. Prosumer printers are generally more robust, feature-rich, and capable of producing higher-quality prints. They often have larger build volumes, allowing for the printing of larger objects. Prosumer printers may also offer more advanced features such as dual extrusion (allowing for printing with multiple materials or colors), finer layer heights for improved resolution, and enhanced connectivity options.

Prosumer 3D printers are commonly used by designers, engineers, architects, small businesses, and educators who require greater precision, durability, and versatility in their prints. They are more suitable for prototyping, functional parts production, and small-scale manufacturing. However, prosumer printers tend to be more expensive than consumer models and may require more technical knowledge to operate and maintain effectively.

It's important to note that the line between consumer and prosumer 3D printers can be blurry, as some consumer printers offer advanced features and some prosumer printers are designed with user-friendliness in mind. The distinction between the two categories can vary depending on the specific models available in the market and their intended target audience.

SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) printers can print with a variety of materials including plastics, metals, ceramics, and even some food products.
The most common materials used in SLS printing are nylon and polyamide, but other materials such as aluminum, stainless steel, and titanium can also be used.
These materials are often in the form of a powder that is fused together by a laser to create the final product. SLM (Selective Laser Melting) is similar to SLS in that it uses a laser to fuse together powdered materials to create a final product.

However, SLM typically uses metals as the primary building material, while SLS can use a wider variety of materials.

Common materials used in SLM include steel, titanium, aluminum, and various alloys.

These metals are heated to their melting point by a laser, and then solidify as they cool, building up the object layer by layer.

In this way, SLM can create much more complex and highly detailed objects than traditional casting or machining methods.

Consumer-Grade 3D Printing Materials:

PLA (Polylactic Acid):

  • Ease of use and widespread availability
  • Biodegradable and environmentally friendly
  • Relatively low printing temperature
  • Good dimensional accuracy and stability
  • Limited strength and heat resistance compared to other materials

PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol):

  • Excellent layer adhesion and strength
  • Good impact resistance
  • Good flexibility and durability
  • Chemical resistance to common solvents and oils
  • Higher printing temperature compared to PLA

ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene):

  • Good mechanical properties and impact resistance
  • Higher heat resistance compared to PLA and PETG
  • Suitable for functional parts and prototypes
  • Requires a heated print bed to minimize warping
  • Can release fumes during printing, so ventilation is recommended


  • High strength and toughness
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Excellent layer adhesion and flexibility
  • Low friction coefficient
  • Requires higher printing temperatures and often a heated print bed

Carbon Fiber PLA:

  • Increased stiffness and strength compared to regular PLA
  • Enhanced dimensional stability
  • Improved heat resistance
  • Appearance of carbon fiber texture
  • Can be abrasive to printer nozzles, requiring more frequent nozzle replacements

Carbon Fiber PETG:

  • Increased strength, stiffness, and impact resistance compared to regular PETG
  • Excellent dimensional stability
  • Enhanced heat resistance
  • Appearance of carbon fiber texture
  • Can be abrasive to printer nozzles, requiring more frequent nozzle replacements

Carbon Fiber Nylon:

  • High strength and impact resistance
  • Excellent dimensional stability and stiffness
  • Enhanced heat resistance
  • Appearance of carbon fiber texture
  • Can be abrasive to printer nozzles, requiring more frequent nozzle replacements

TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane):

  • Flexible and rubber-like material
  • Good resistance to wear and tear
  • High elongation and elasticity
  • Can print objects with varying degrees of hardness
  • Requires specialized settings and often a direct drive extruder for optimal printing results

Advanced 3D Printing Materials:

PEEK (Polyether Ether Ketone):

  • Exceptional high-temperature resistance, suitable for applications up to 250°C (482°F)
  • High strength, stiffness, and excellent mechanical properties
  • Chemical resistance to various solvents and chemicals
  • Good dimensional stability and low warping
  • Requires high printing temperatures and often a heated print bed

ULTEM (Polyetherimide):

  • High strength and stiffness, suitable for demanding applications
  • Excellent heat resistance up to 180°C (356°F)
  • Flame-retardant properties
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Requires high printing temperatures and often a heated print bed

PEKK (Polyether Ketone Ketone):

  • High strength and stiffness, similar to PEEK
  • Excellent heat resistance, suitable for applications up to 240°C (464°F)
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Enhanced processability compared to PEEK
  • Requires high printing temperatures and often a heated print bed